2007年4月10日 星期二

Reflection of "The missing piece meets a big o"

One day a missing piece wanted someone to take it to somewhere. It tried to find someone who fits with it. Someone can roll but didn’t fit, and some fit but can not roll. It was waiting for someone who fits with it for a long time. Finally, one came along fit the missing piece. However, at a sudden the missing piece began to grow. They did not fit with the other anymore. The result made the missing piece much painful. It started a lonely trip again. One day, the missing piece met a big o. But the big o did not need any missing piece. The big o told the missing piece that why didn’t it roll by itself. The missing piece said it have sharp corner. And then the missing piece began to wonder the mean what the big o said. It started to lift, pull and flop itself. At the end, the missing piece became the same with the big o. It can roll by itself.

The story “The missing piece meets a big o” let me relate to friendship. In the world we will meet all kinds of people. In these people, we must meet someone who matches with us and other who can’t. As the story says “someone can roll but did not fit, and someone fit but can not roll.” It means that we have the same goal with someone but in different way to carry. There is a conflict between each other. Actually everyone is the missing piece. All of us hope to find the half to be fitted. However who do us to fit each other when everyone has the corner.

Why do we always want to change others so that we can match? We often forget to change ourselves instead to change the other people. Wear away the corner we have will make our life much easier.

2007年4月1日 星期日

None of her business

Summary of “None of her business”
Pat was waiting for her bus at the bus station. She was going to see her sister’s new baby. At the bus station, there were many passengers with their suitcases. And then Pat saw something odd. There was a women blind also waiting for the bus. Pat was wondering that did the blind women need help. But at the same time, a man was walking toward the blind women. He wanted to help her to get her bus.

However Pat found that man took her away the bus station. Pat did not know where the man wanted to take her to and what he wanted to do to her. Pat was so worried. But she did not know should she help the blind women or not. She did not know the man had the gun or not. And unfortunately, there were no police around. So, she asked the little hot-dog for help. He refused. He said”it was none of your business.”

At the end, Pat made up her mind. She walked toward them and told that they were in the wrong to the bus station. As soon as the man heard that he ran away. In the result, Pat saved the blind women.

My reaction to “None of her business”
Now in the society, everyone is selfish. Sometimes there may some problems when we help people. They do not want to get troubles that are not their business. However, there were some people who really need help. If everyone loses their sympathy, the world will be the hell. The happiest thing in the world is to help people, does not it? If everyone would like to help others, there would full of love all of world.