2007年3月18日 星期日

My favorite song

The song: Bad Day
Composer: Daniel Powter
The reason for I like the song is its melody is so beautiful, the singer's voice is amazing and the most important one is its image totally touch my heart. Sometimes when I in trouble what I can not handle or something make me fell sad, I just listen to my favorite song “Bad Day” again and again. Every time when I hear Daniel’s voice, I always fell at ease. The words he makes are touchable.

Just like the words what Daniel makes, “You sing a sad song just to turn it around”. Everything will be ok. Every problem will get the answer to solve. After you undergo the texts in life, you will see what you actually want.

As long as you pass the challenge, you will get a stronger courage to pass the next challenge. It will not rain all day and it will be clean up one day. Life will not ever be in bad day, it will be succeed. Do not give up!
