2007年3月25日 星期日

Changing Roles

For Walkingshaw family, the duty to take care of baby was not always for the mother. Neil Walkingshaw wanted to quit his job to take care of his newborn but refused by his boss. He sued for the company for sex discrimination and he won. The result says that roles of parental are changed. The old thought is broken.

The traditional view that women should stay at home and men should go to work outside was questioned. In the 1970s and ‘80s, numbers of working women proved that they could be main source of income, too. The connection of a father with his family was getting closer and closer. The will of fathers’ play a part in the delivery room and attend childbirth classes is stronger.

Social scientists found that effect upon children from the father is quite different from the mothers. Fathers educate children in emotion and physical is in different way from mothers. The research shows the father also can make his children development. The stay-at-home dads tend to be more humorous.

The biggest social problem in modern society is the absence of a father in home. Fathers present in family can decrease juvenile crime rates and teenage pregnancy. The influences on educating communicate emotions and ability to understand between fathers and mothers is unlike.

Organizations like the U.S.-based National Fatherhood Initiative take active device to encourage fathers to play an important role in family. They broken traditional images of fatherhood, fathers do not only be breadwinners but also be crucial nurturer, moral example and disciplinarian.

Family experts believe that just only healthy families can nature well-adjusted children. If the theory is true, the image of society will change. Roles of fathers will as important as mothers and they will take their paternal duties much more seriously.

2007年3月23日 星期五


The article: PIGGYBOOK
Summary of “Piggy book”: The father and two sons are depended on the mother too much. They just know how to eat and do their important jobs. They can not cook food, wash dishes and clothes and they even can not clean up the house. In other words, they can not live without the mother.

All the housework is waiting for the mother to do. She cooks food, washes dishes, clothes and clean up the house. She works too hard to have her private time. She can not tolerate it anymore. So, she runs away. Without the mother, life of the family is getting worse and worse. They are getting dirty and dirty. They become pigs!

At the end, the mother forgives their foolish and comes back home. They share all the housework. They are not selfish any longer. Finally, the mother gets her own time. She can do the things what she like, mends the car.

2007年3月18日 星期日

My favorite song

The song: Bad Day
Composer: Daniel Powter
The reason for I like the song is its melody is so beautiful, the singer's voice is amazing and the most important one is its image totally touch my heart. Sometimes when I in trouble what I can not handle or something make me fell sad, I just listen to my favorite song “Bad Day” again and again. Every time when I hear Daniel’s voice, I always fell at ease. The words he makes are touchable.

Just like the words what Daniel makes, “You sing a sad song just to turn it around”. Everything will be ok. Every problem will get the answer to solve. After you undergo the texts in life, you will see what you actually want.

As long as you pass the challenge, you will get a stronger courage to pass the next challenge. It will not rain all day and it will be clean up one day. Life will not ever be in bad day, it will be succeed. Do not give up!

2007年3月10日 星期六

About Me

Hi, my name is Emma. I am in my first semester in Chung Shan Medical University. In the beginning, I could not adapt to my new life, new friends and new ways of teaching. But now, I new so many friends and I pass all the exams. Most friends of my said that when they saw me at first, they thought I am a aloof person. However that is my respond to people who I am not familiar with.

I am a Cancer. My character is almost fit in with the feature of Cancer. The Cancer is dreamy, sensitive and considerate. On the contrary, it is sentimental, protect itself too much and mistrustful. However, when it open it's mind and turn off the armor, it will be grnuine. That is the Cancer, that is me.

My interest are reading novels and seeing movies. What kinds of movie do I like are love story, actioner and heat-stirring movies. Recently my favorite interest is playing an online game-crazyracing.

My goal of the class is that learn both Japanese and English very well. Pass the Japanese certification. I can talk with Japanese fluently. In that way, I can talk to my favorite
Japanese star without any problem and travel everywhere in Japan, the clean, traditional and amenity country.